A company consists of a group of players strategizing and working together to become the most successful company.
- A player can only belong to one company at a time.
- Every company can have a maximum of 10 members.
- You can only create a new company if you are level 6 and higher and it will cost you 500 eggs.
- You can only become a company director if you are level 4 and higher.
- There can only be a maximum of 4 directors per company.
- You can only join, or apply to join, a company while you don't belong to any other company.
- A CEO or Director of the company needs to accept your application before you can become a member.
- Every time a member of the company sells crops, 10% of the revenue value is also given to the company as cash. This is an additional 10% and not lost by the player.
- If you joined a company with a stockpile or crops on your plots, those crops will not contribute towards the company's equity.
- If you leave a company with a stockpile, the company will get the advantage of those crops.
- Each company can construct a Factory to gain additional revenue for the company.
- The top ranking company and its members receive medals and prizes.
- Most of the decisions within the company are done by means of voting. Only the CEO and Directors can start a vote, and then all members can vote either Yes or No. The first option to reach 40% of the votes will be selected.
- When a member leaves, the company will have to pay a "Member Exit Levy" which is calculated based on the number of Power Cards and Fast forward minutes the player used while in the company. (This has been added to remove any benefit the company might receive when a new player joins with Cards.)
- The founder is the owner of the company, and can choose a new CEO at any time by means of a vote. The founder cannot be fired or demoted as Director.
- The founder will remain the founder even after leaving the company. However the founder will have to apply and be accepted back in again by the company once left.
- WARNING: Without a founder, once you make someone else CEO, there is no way to get the company back, unless the current CEO/Directors creates a new vote. The CEO has full control.
- If the CEO leaves the company, another CEO will automatically be chosen.
- Inactive companies will automatically be removed. (If no member joined the game for 2 months.)
- Interest on the cash balance will be earned at 0.50% every 3 hours on the hour.
Soup Shop
- Each time a member sell crops, the same amount of crops will be added to the company soup shop.
- Soup requires the same amount of tons per crop. Once all the crop requirements has been met, will you be able to sell the soup.
- Only the CEO and directors of the company can sell the soup.
- Both the company and members will receive rewards in the game each time soup is sold.
- The required amount of tons per crop will increase each time soup is sold.
- If a company has more than 3 "clones", crops sold by the clone farms will not contribute towards the soup shop
- The crop with the least amount of soup tons will have the soup icon next to it on the market page.
- Members will receive soup points when selling one of the crops which has the least amount of soup tons currently.
- The member with the highest amount of soup points at the end of the game will receive a medal and an egg prize. However to qualify the company must have constructed a factory and sold at least 3 soups.
Trust Fund
- The trust fund is a place where company related member income is stored. Members can cash-out their portions at any time. This gives extra protection for hiding factory income.
- All dividends earned (from selling factory products) will go into the trust fund.
- When members sells the same crop as their factory, they will earn an additional 3% cash, which will also be added to the trust fund.
- The trust fund will automatically be cashed-out when the game ends.
Special Orders
- Periodically throughout the game there will be special orders available to companies. Special orders can occur 24/7.
- These special orders are shared between all companies and only the first company who completes the order will earn a reward. The reward will be cash for the company and Fast Forward minutes for the members. Once the order has been claimed it will disappear.
- Special orders is a list of crops which must be satisfied in its entirety before the company can claim the reward. When crops are sold by company members, it will also contribute towards the special order quantity (thus the same as how soup works).
- Once a company completed a special order, they cannot do so again for 36 hours.
- The same rules apply for players joining with a stockpile and clones in a company.
Company Wall
- A company will automatically get a wall when 3 members have Iron Walls.
- A wall will hide the company's equity and cash balances as well as provide the company with a brokerage account.
- Company walls will be automatically removed in the last hour of the game. This is so that all equities are visible in the last hour of game play.
Broker Account
- A company automatically receives a broker account when it constructs a wall. (See the wall section for more information.)
- The primary advantage of a broker account is that it makes it more difficult for other players to determine your factory type.
- When factory products are sold, all income is deposited into the broker account.
- Directors can transfer these funds back into the company's cash at any time for use.
- Directors also have the ability to transfer additional cash to the broker account, but this is optional and incurs an additional fee.
- No interest is earned on money held in the broker account.
- A company can try to organise a strike on another company's factory. This is initiated by means of a vote.
- Once the strike is organised, the target company will have 10 minutes to prevent this by means of a vote.
- If the target company does not prevent the strike in time, their factory will pause (including all voting) for 120 minutes.
- Each company only has a limited amount of strikes available.
- Strikes can only be created at normal demand times (in the 12 hours before daily prizes).
- Both companies must have a factory constructed, and must not be already striking.
Demand Triggers
Sometimes we will play a game where companies will decide which crops will go on High Demand. If this is the case the rules works as follows:- A company can trigger a high demand by means of a vote. The chosen crop must be available, and not currently be on high demand.
- Demands can only be created at normal demand times (in the 12 hours before daily prizes).
- Each day (excluding Mondays and Sundays) when the daily prizes are given, the top 6 companies will each get 1 trigger. Only companies with a factory, have less than 3 clones, and have no triggers will be eligible.
- Triggered demands are smaller than normal demands, and also have no unlimited minute.